Friday, November 30, 2012

Adaptation: Goeldii Monkey

Topic: Adaptation
of Goeldii Monkeys
In the Rain Forest

Name of the website: Houston Zoo 
Link to website:
Author of resources you are using (could be whole site or just an article or photo):
Date the resource was made (if known):  11/30/12
Date you found it: 11/30/12

Fact 1: Female Goeldi's Monkey carry their infants for the first 23 days 
Fact 2: There scientific name is Callimico Goeldii.
Fact 3:They live in a dense forest.
Fact 4:The range is Upper Amazon  Basin.
Fact 5:Then status in the wild Vulnerable

Website 2:

Name of the website: Primate Info Net 
Link to website:'s_monkey
Author of resources you are using (could be whole site or just an article or photo): University of Wisconsin
Date the resource was made (if known): 12/7/12  
Date you found it: 12/07/12

Fact 1: The Goeldii Monkey lives in Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia.
Fact 2: The Goeldii monkey mostly spend there day resting. They prefer to sleep in dense tangle of vegetation or leafs.
Fact 3: The Goeldii males weight on average 12.0 oz and while female weigh 12.5 oz
Fact 4:Goeldii monkey are a monotypic species, and are places in their own genus Callinico
Fact 5: The Goeldii prefer primary forest with a dense understory and are found in this type of habitat the mojor of the time.

Describe what kind of objects you could hide for this game:
I would hide food that they would eat. I would hide that animals that would attack him. I would hide the monkey in the place he sleeps.

Describe what you game scene might look like:
I would have a Rain Forest as the background. I would put birds, plants, trees and all that the rain forest is made of.

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